Von: vom FCSR <kontakt@fanclubsprecherrat.de>
Gesendet: 20. März 2017 22:34:41 MEZ
An: fc@stpaulifanclub.de
Betreff: Einladung vom Fanclub Catalunya nach Barcelona

Moin Moin!

Heute leiten wir euch eine Einladung vom St.Pauli Fanclub Catalunya weiter, welcher euch zu deren St.Pauli Fanclubturnier nach Barcelona am 10. Juni 2017 einlädt!
Bei Interesse, weiteren Fragen etc. wendet euch einfach direkt an die in der Einladung genannte Kontaktadresse.

Braun-Weiße Grüße


Dear friends of Fanclubs of St. Pauli,

We are sending to you a formal invitation to the 6th Football Tournament Fanclub Catalunya. We will be pleased if you can participate in it, and in order to decide it, we want to inform you about the next terms:

In this sixth edition, all the teams are FC St. Pauli Fanclubs. So, this will be an international meeting of Fanclubs in Barcelona. Unlike other tournaments, ours is an anti-sexist tournament, so it is mixed: There should always be, at least, one man and one woman in the field. For the rest, we play in three football fields with artificial turf. The tournament consist in twelve teams divided into two leagues of six teams each. The first two teams of each group play the semi-finals, and the winners play the final. The matches last for fifteen minutes, and every team consist of four players and a goalkeeper. No limit on players, the more you are, the better will be for you. During the game we will have DJs playing music all the time.

After the tournament, we are going to have lunch together, with more music and some surprises! In the afternoon, after the music session, we will have a concert with two bands, the Jolly Roger Band (Fanclub Catalunya's band) and Notgemeinschaft Peter Pan (Hamburg). And for the most courageous and tireless, the party will continue until your bodies holds.

Important terms:

Date: Saturday 10th of June, early in the morning (9 am). Then you have to arrive on Friday, and stay till Sunday, at least.


We will recommend you to book the rooms in advance, because at that time there is a peak tourist season in Barcelona. We have booked for you some places to sleep, cheaper than normal and near all the activities.

Do you like to participate as a Fanclub??? Do you need more information? Please contact sanktpaulicatalunya@gmail.com

Walk on

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Gerät mit K-9 Mail gesendet.


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Homepage: http://www.stpaulifanclub.de/ oder http://www.stpauli-netpirates.de

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